How to Design an Attractive Online Menu

How to Design an Attractive Online Menu for Your Saudi Restaurant

What’s bad menu design can do? Non-organized sections can struggle your customers. Non-attractive images cause loss your customers’ appetite..etc. all of the previous causes of losing your customers to the competitor who knows well how to design an attractive menu, understandable, and organized menu. In both the electronic and the printed ones.

So the first step to keep your customers’ desire to order from you is to create a menu that they can understand, navigate, and order from without any guide.

In the following lines, we will dig into the principles of creating a perfect attractive menu. To make sure that you keen on your audience, made the menu mobile-friendly, highlight the images, and how to dedicate the dishes priority. We will highlight the keys to designing a perfect menu.

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keys to designing a perfect online menu

Structure is Essential

“Logic Is The King”, a wise voice said. When you start to categorize your restaurant menu make sure that the sections, items besides process goes logically. So never mix the appetizers with the main dish. Along the same lines, it’s not logical to put the sauce before choosing the main dish. In other words, strategically place the add-on options or complementary items next to the main dishes. and make your customers move smoothly between the sections and options.


Make It Clear

“Font Is matters”. The main key to ensure that the menu is clear and understandable is to wisely choose the font. And there are some expertise preferred to use in such cases like:

  • Sans Serif
  • Open Sans
  • Helvetica
  • Arial

Don’t forget to use a readable font size and make sure that the white spaces are balanced with other elements on each page.


Make It Mobile Friendly

“Your Mobile isn’t ideal”. Ensure that your restaurant’s online menu displays perfectly on all devices. Make sure that you can easily navigate. The icon sizes are perfect, your logo isn’t cut, etc.


Understand Your Restaurant Audience.. Demographics Matters

If you have a new branch that targets Italians, you shouldn’t use extra cheese pizza images.

That’s how the demographics matter, It allows you to know the preferences of your audience to design a menu they feel is perfect for them. That’s somehow up your sales and create a loyal community.

Also, knowing your audience demographics like age, location, and preferences enables you to use the content perfect tone of voice. If your audience speaks only Arabic they will not ever understand what you offer if you use English in placing items.


Use High-Quality Images

“Good Images help you easily sell your dishes”, so it will be great if you deal with a freelancer expert to make a product photoshoot for all items on your menu. Ensure that the images highlight: The fresh ingredients you use, the sandwiches’ sauces, and the atmosphere of cooking the main items.

Ensure that you tell the freelancer the purpose of the photoshoot to provide you with the perfect sizes and types for an online menu.

What if you can’t make that photoshoot? Use an online AI design tool. Leonardo.Ai will be perfect for producing restaurant images that sell.


Highlight The Popular Dishes

It feels like it’s an obvious order to put the popular dishes at the top of your online menu, but experts’ advice is to not do that. On the contrary, you should place the most profit-led ones at the top. To ensure that these dishes have a big chance to be chosen. And this advice is optional, for sure.


Search Functions

The final and most important advice is to make sure that your restaurant’s online menu fits with the search engine rules. Like:

  • It has no technical issues
  • There are no copyright issues
  • The page speed is perfect “as Google set”
  • Images quality are good, and their size isn’t large.

There are more rules, you can navigate it by searching about the SEO rules for online menus. Or just go through the process of dealing with a high-reputation company that specializes in designing restaurants and cafes menus.


Order- Where You Should Design Your Online Presence

Order is a Saudi-based SAAS company that you can trust to build your online menu. Their services aren’t just about an online menu, but also they provide them with a whole online presence, as they provide your restaurant with:

  • Website & Mobile App
  • Delivery Management App
  • Loyalty Programs
  • UX Dashboard To Control Your Branches
  • Virtual Drive-Thru Services
  • Monthly Reports
  • Marketing Tools
  • POS Integrations


Contact us for more about how to include your branches for more than 5,000 branches in Saudi Arabia restaurants and Cafes.

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